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Two-in-one alumunium heat exchanger

Extreme energy efficiency

Our revolutionary bithermic heat exchanger is in every Intergas boiler and is the component that guarantees extreme energy efficiency. Thanks to its intelligent design, there’s no need for a diverter valve (in combis), valve motor, auto air vent or secondary hot water plate heat exchanger, so all the parts that tend to stick, leak or let you down aren’t there. Made from aluminium, with two separate copper circuits, its large surface area and increased waterways ensure optimal heat transfer and minimal heat loss.

All our heat exchangers come with a 10-year warranty.

Built-in passive flue gas heat recovery

The Xtreme also has a built-in passive flue gas heat recovery unit at the back of the heat exchanger, which is connected to the flue. It extracts the excess energy from the condensate water and this energy is used to preheat the water for domestic hot water or heating, depending on which mode is being used. This reduces still further the amount of gas needed to reach the required temperature, while lowering both CO2 emissions and energy bills.