Eco RFs to the rescue at Peartree

When the two boilers at Peartree Short Break Centre, which provides residential short breaks for children and young people with learning disabilities, started to fail, it was imperative that a long-lasting and efficient solution was found fast. The boilers would power the underfloor heating throughout the purpose-built centre based in Welwyn Garden City, as well  as heat the water, and all would be in use 24 hours a day. Manager, Sam Perry, asked for competitive quotes, and Dan Robinson of Jennings Heating won the contract. What you will find reassuring though is that Dan’s quote wasn’t the cheapest, but Sam trusted both his skill and the Intergas brand to deliver a first-class heating system.


Not only was the existing system continually breaking down, the controls were hard to understand and use. But that was the least of the problems, Dan realised immediately that while the boilers were no longer fit for purpose, the design of the heating system itself was a major fail. Both boilers were installed on an under-sized low loss header, and the system controls and cylinders needed to be replaced; basically, everything in the plant room had to be removed and Dan started again. The Centre shut down for four-and-a-half days over that period, but this was all planned, and now the new system, which has been up and running for three months, is operating efficiently. Has Sam noticed a difference in the energy bill yet? “Well, even without seeing the bill, I know it will be lower. Dan installed two Eco RFs in another of our properties and the bill went down immediately.”


Peartree is fully equipped to cater for complex needs and has five fully-equipped and spacious bedrooms. There are safe areas for play, relaxation and socialising and a sensory room that offers stimulation on an individual or group basis.