Making Movember memorable
To celebrate and raise awareness of Movember and all its amazing achievements, we kicked off the month by, you guessed it, getting the guys to grow their facial hair for donations to the movement! We also participated in park runs and cake sales to raise even more. Most importantly, we decided to get to grips with how we can support Movember throughout the year.
Movember was created to support men in three key areas: mental health and suicide prevention; prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Helpfully, they’ve published five ways in which you can give yourself the best chance of living a healthy and long life. Want to check out Movember’s fabulous five? Here you go:
1. Stay connected by spending time with the people you care about; don’t isolate yourself, get involved. Information-sharing, advice-giving or just venting helps you put things in perspective which builds your resilience to help you cope better when things don’t go to plan.
2. Talk more; if someone you know seems to be going through a tough time, they might not talk about it even if they want to, so look out for them, reach out to them, ask them how they are.
3. Prostate cancer is the biggest killer in men over 45, so why leave it to chance? If you have a family history of prostate cancer or breast cancer you’re more at risk, so see your doctor and get checked.
4. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men, but do you know the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer? You can check it out here.
5. Stay active or get active; exercise matters at every age so get moving. It doesn’t have to be overly strenuous, but exercise is one of the best ‘medicines’ and it’s free.
Sometimes it feels easier to do nothing, which is not just a shame, it’s tragic as men, on average, die 4.5 years earlier than women from preventable conditions and, globally, one man dies by suicide every single minute of the day. Those five tips are worth remembering; it could save a life.